What happens if I can’t meet the delivery deadline for an order?

If you anticipate not being able to meet the delivery deadline for an order, take the following steps:

  • Communicate Early: Notify the buyer as soon as possible and explain the situation.
  • Propose a New Deadline: Propose a new, realistic delivery deadline that you can meet.
  • Offer Solutions: If possible, offer alternatives such as partial delivery or a refund.
  • Avoid Cancellation: Try to avoid order cancellations, as they can negatively impact your gig’s performance.


Q1: Will late deliveries affect my gig’s visibility and rating? A1: Yes, late deliveries can negatively impact your gig’s performance, so it’s crucial to manage your delivery times effectively.

Q2: Can late deliveries lead to order cancellations? A2: In some cases, late deliveries may lead to order cancellations if the buyer is not satisfied with the delay.

Q3: What if the buyer does not agree to an extended delivery time? A3: If the buyer does not agree, it’s important to discuss the situation and reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Transparency and communication are key.

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