How can I request payment for additional services not included in the original gig?

To request payment for additional services not included in the original gig, follow these steps:

  • Discuss with the Buyer: Communicate with the buyer and agree on the additional services and associated fees.
  • Create a Custom Offer: Use Fiverr’s official tools to create a custom offer specifying the services and price.
  • Buyer Acceptance: The buyer must accept the custom offer, after which you can proceed with the additional work.
  • Deliver as Agreed: Complete the additional services as per the agreed-upon terms.


Q1: Can I request payment for additional services at any stage of the order? A1: Yes, you can request payment for additional services at any stage, but it’s essential to discuss and agree with the buyer beforehand.

Q2: Should I create a separate gig for additional services not included in my main gig? A2: Creating separate gigs for additional services can be an option, but using custom offers within the same gig can streamline the process.

Q3: How can I ensure payment for the additional services is secure? A3: Fiverr’s payment system ensures secure transactions for additional services. Use the platform’s official tools to create and manage custom offers.

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