How do I manage the delivery time for my gig orders?

Managing delivery times is crucial for client satisfaction:

  • Set Realistic Deadlines: Offer delivery times that you can comfortably meet based on your workload.
  • Communication: If you encounter delays, communicate with the buyer promptly and explain the situation.
  • Use Fiverr’s Countdown Timer: Utilize Fiverr’s built-in timer to track and manage delivery times accurately.


Q1: What if I can’t meet the delivery deadline for an order? A1: If you can’t meet the deadline, communicate with the buyer immediately and propose a new delivery date. Transparency is key.

Q2: Can I request an extension for the delivery time if needed? A2: Yes, you can request a delivery time extension if both you and the buyer agree to it. Ensure to update the order details accordingly.

Q3: How can I prevent late deliveries and maintain a high gig rating? A3: Proper time management, clear communication, and setting realistic deadlines are essential to prevent late deliveries and maintain a positive gig rating.

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