How can I make my gig description more compelling?

To create a compelling gig description, follow these guidelines:

  • Be Clear: Clearly explain your services and what buyers can expect.
  • Highlight Benefits: Emphasize how your services can solve the buyer’s problem or fulfill their needs.
  • Use Formatting: Use bullet points, headings, and paragraphs for readability.
  • Include a Call to Action: Encourage buyers to take action, such as placing an order or contacting you.


Q1: How long should my gig description be? A1: There’s no strict limit, but a clear and concise description is recommended. Aim for around 150-300 words, but focus on quality over quantity.

Q2: Can I include links or contact information in my gig description? A2: No, Fiverr prohibits sharing external links or contact information in gig descriptions. All communication should happen within the Fiverr platform.

Q3: What should I do if my gig description is not getting results? A3: Consider revising your description, highlighting your unique selling points, and seeking feedback from experienced sellers.

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